As volunteer work for the Church of Sweden, this logo has been created. ”Närvaro, omtanke och förkunnelse” means ”Presence, care and proclamation”, which are words that would be included in the logo, and these had to also be linked to the traditional expression ”faith, hope and love” through the design.

Beneath is a picture of a number of small paintings, these are some selected paintings created by people working within the church. They created these based on the new expression ”Presence, care and proclamation”, I used these paintings as inspiration for the logo-design. For example, many associated these words with rainbows, openness and love. Therefore, precisely these colors have been chosen for the final design. And to be connected to ”faith, hope and love”, a symbol connected to each part has been chosen for each word. ”Närvaro” (Presence) got an upside-down anchor, precisely because the city Norrtälje, that this logo was made for, has the upside-down anchor as its symbol. If you look closely, you can also see a ”tro” (faith) at the end of the word, which is like a little easter egg. ”Omtanke” (Care) instead received a simple but effective heart and ”Förkunnelse” (Proclamation) got a stylish cross to clearly present the message.

This logotype is now visible on the Church of Sweden’s website, at their budget for 2021, their own bags, t-shirts and jackets among other places.